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  • 2016/03/25
    Shandong Night was co-organized by the Shandong government and China's State Council Development Research Center.Shandong Governor Guo Shuqing, 17 mayors from the province and representatives of key Shandong enterprises that have overseas operations met a number of entrepreneurs of the world top 500...
  • 2015/07/27
    Private investors are being invited to help build 100 tourism projects with an estimated investment of about 25 billion yuan ($4 billion) in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in the next five years.The China National Tourism Administration and Xinjiang tourism authority have released a list of ab...
  • 2014/11/03
    Wang Xiaoyong, secretary-general of the China-Africa Business Council, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of a symposium on investing in Africa in Qingdao on Oct 30. Provided to China DailyLast year, trade between China and Africa reached more than $200 billion, and about 200 companies in Qin...
  • 2014/05/23
    Friday - May 16 Skill gap could derail economy: govt official China's skill gap could derail its economic upgrade, according to a member of a cabinet-level think tank. Filling the gap is strategically important for China as it tries to leave behind its role as the "world's factory" and move up the g...
  • 2014/03/31
    Estimated at around 1 to 2 percent of the population, Muslims are very much in the minority in China and concentrated in regions including Ningxia Hui autonomous region, Gansu province, Qinghai province and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Yet this small percentage still translates into a populatio...
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